Among The Willows: A fansite for (some of) Marvel's outlaw cowboys and Western heroes!

Some of Marvel's most popular characters in the 40s-50s, nowadays very few people spare a thought for the characters that rode the owlhoot trail! But even if they aren't well remembered today, they've left their mark on the Marvel Universe- and their personalities and stories remain a source of untapped potential for future stories.

From Left to Right: Two-Gun Kid (Matt Hawk), Rawhide Kid, Kid Colt.

A Note on Historical Accuracy and Native-Targeted Racism

While information is recorded as it appears here in the text for posterity's sake, the portrayals of Native characters varies quite significantly, both as a product of the Western genre and as a result of the prevalent harmful stereotypes of the time. Acknowledging these racist stereotypes when they appear and countering them with the truth is an important part of engaging with these texts. It is also an unfortunate truth that even many modern portrayals of Native characters fall far short of the mark, as seen with Red Wolf in Rawhide Kid: The Sensational Seven.
